Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy contains information on how suprklein, bearing the following Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 91351065 (“We”, “Us”, “Our”) handles and Processes Personal Data.  

Both Us and all Clients must fulfil all duties required under applicable EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”).

Registered Persons (“Client”, “You”, “User”), can in this document read about how the information is Processed and what rights you have.

We reserve the right to update and change the content of this Privacy Policy from time to time as needed. The latest version is always available to the public on Our website.


2. Definitions

Personal Data: Any piece of information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person, whereby an identifiable natural person can be identified directly or indirectly as distinct by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, a localization detail or online identifier, or one or more factors that are specific to the natural person’s physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Registered Person: A natural person whose Personal Data is being Processed.

Processing: Measures or combination of measures with respect to Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, regardless of whether they are carried out in an automated manner or not, such as collection, registration, organisation, structuring, storage, processing or modification, development, reading, using, disclosure through transfer, dissemination or provision by other means, adjustment or amalgamation, limitation, deletion or destruction.

Personal Data Processor: A natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that engages in Processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Personal Data Controller.

Personal Data Controller: A natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that determines, alone or together with others, the purposes and the means of the Processing of Personal Data.


3. Who is responsible for the Processing of your Personal Data?

suprklein is the Personal Data Controller of your Personal Data. suprklein is responsible for the Processing of Personal Data within suprklein and is responsible for such Processing being carried out legally and in compliance with this Privacy Policy and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in accordance with the principle of responsibility.

Contact Us at for any questions regarding Our Privacy Policy.


4. What Personal Data do suprklein collect?

We try to work primarily through the principle of data minimisation regarding the storage of Personal Data, i.e. by only Processing Personal Data that is necessary, adequate and relevant for each individual purpose (according to the principle of purpose limitation).

We store Personal Data as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data was collected.

If you contacted us on or make a purchase from, We will collect your name, address, email address, telephone number, and company (optional). We use this information to process your orders and any returns and to communicate with you regarding your order. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, we will also use your contact details to send out newsletters. This is based on your consent.

We may also use anonymised data internally to analyse customer patterns in order to be able to improve Our services and products.


5. Lawful Basis for the Processing of Personal Data

It is required by GDPR that all Personal Data Controllers have a so called Lawful basis for Processing Personal Data (according to the principle of legality, regularity and transparency).

We obtain Lawful basis primarily through an agreement with you, which gives Us the right to Process Personal Data in order to fulfil the agreement, for example in order to perform Our services. In the Processing of Personal Data in order to fulfil agreements between Us, you must have understood and accepted that Processing of your Personal Data will take place in order for Us to fulfil the agreement and provide Our services.

When We have a legal obligation to Process Personal Data, for example in order for Us to properly manage Our invoicing and accounting, only necessary Personal Data is Processed and stored in order to fulfil Our legal obligations. Personal Data that is part of the necessary accounting documentation is stored for as long as applicable law requires.

We can also obtain a Lawful basis based on a so called Legitimate interests. However, We never process sensitive Personal Data on the basis of Legitimate interests.

We may also obtain a Lawful basis for Processing Personal Data by you voluntarily giving explicit consent (i.e. approval) to the Processing. The consent can always be revoked by notifying it in writing to Us.

We always have the right to disclose the necessary Personal Data in order to comply with applicable law, to claim a past due claim, to report a debt or to protect Our rights or property and to prevent fraud.


6. Does suprklein share your Personal Data with others?

We may share Buyers’ Personal Data with selected suppliers (“subcontractors”) who perform functions on Our behalf such as fulfilling orders and delivery of products, Processing payments, promotional services or data management, maintaining Our website, distributing emails and newsletters, to provide client communications and to manage Our customer database. We don’t authorise Our subcontractors to make any other use of your Personal Data.


7. Is Personal Data transferred outside of the EU/EES?

We may share your Personal Data with Our subcontractors, who may Process your Personal Data in countries both inside and outside of the EU/EES when performing functions on Our behalf.


8. What are your rights?

You have the right to request access, rectification and erasure of your Personal Data, to restrict the Processing of your Personal Data, to object to Processing, and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. 

i. Right of access  

You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether Personal Data concerning yourself is being Processed by Us and if so to access the Personal Data and information regarding the purpose of the Processing, the categories of Personal Data concerned, the categories of recipients to whom your data have been or will be disclosed, and the envisaged period of time for which Personal Data will be stored.

ii. Right of rectification 

You have the right to request rectification of inaccurate Personal Data concerning yourself, and to complete incomplete data.

iii. Right of erasure

Under some circumstances you are entitled to request that We erase your Personal Data or restrict our Processing of your data, for example when it is no longer necessary for Us to Process your Personal Data taking into consideration the purposes for which they were collected.

iv. Right to objection 

You have the right to object at any time to Processing of your Personal Data. You have the right to object to direct marketing. If you object to our Processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling, We will cease such Processing of your data.

v. Right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authority

Please note that if you consider the Processing of your data to be in violation of applicable data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence or the place of the alleged infringement.

9. How do I unsubscribe from suprklein’s newsletters?

If you no longer wish to receive Our newsletters or other emails, you can unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link which is included in all newsletters and other emails or you can contact Us at


10. How long do suprklein keep your Personal Data?

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise Processed. 

We will also retain your personal information as necessary to comply with applicable legal obligations, to resolve disputes, and to enforce Our agreements.


11. Do We use cookies?

Yes, We use cookies on Cookies are files that are stored on your computer to give you the best possible experience when visiting Our website.

If you do not want to use cookies you can change the settings of your browser. You can also erase the cookies on your computer whenever you wish to do so. However, Our website will not work properly if you disable cookies.


12. How do suprklein communicate changes of this Privacy Policy?

suprklein reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. We will post the updated Privacy Policy on Our website, and therefore We encourage you to review this page from time to time. 


13. Withdrawal of Consent

By contacting Us or buying our products and services, you accept Our Processing of your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact Us at

Please note however that your withdrawal will not affect Our right to process your Personal Data when such Processing is necessary to perform Our contractual obligations to you, and/or to the extent We are required to Process your Personal Data by law or to defend ourselves in a dispute, to prevent fraud or abuse, or to enforce Our Terms and Conditions.